Some of my favorite links
Some of these links go to contests, and others are just some sites I like, or think might be helpful to others, such as utility sites, or download sites. Again, if ya have any ideas, feel free to email me and let me know what you're thinking.
The Winners Club This one of the best sites for contests, and she has lots of links, as well as some great newsletters.
Red Hot Sweeps This too, is a very good site for contests. The layout is very easy to navigate, and it's updated regularly.
Discount Hound These guys have a great contest for a PC. I know it's great, cause I won this one ! They also have some great prices on other items. Check 'em out !!!
ZD Net In case you been living in a cave, this is one of the best places to get info about your computer, as well as some great downloads.
CNET This is another place for some cool info. You can look up items you want to buy and see how they rate, and there are downloads too.